Olá, me chamo João! :)
Enquanto reolho o mundo torno questionamentos, sensações, atravessamentos e cosmovisões em múltiplas linguagens, sobretudo imagéticas. Sou apaixonado por visualidades e tudo que diz respeito à criação de imagens sejam elas filmicas, artísticas, sonoras ou fotográficas. Tenho nutrido ao longo da minha trajetória um olhar multidisciplinar para direção de arte, direção criativa e design nos eixos de música, entretenimento, moda, cultura, cinema e comunicação. Com mais de 9 anos de experiência já colaborei com grandes marcas como TikTok, O Boticário, Netflix, C&A e Nívea.
Hello, my name is João! : )
As I resee the world I turn questions, sensations, crossings and worldviews into multiple languages, especially imagery. I am passionate about visualities and everything that concerns the creation of images whether they are filmic, artistic, sound or photographic. I have nurtured throughout my career a multidisciplinary look for art direction, creative direction and design in the axes of music, entertainment, fashion, culture, cinema and communication. With more than 9 years of experience I have collaborated with major brands such as TikTok, O Boticário, Netflix, C&A and Nívea.
As I resee the world I turn questions, sensations, crossings and worldviews into multiple languages, especially imagery. I am passionate about visualities and everything that concerns the creation of images whether they are filmic, artistic, sound or photographic. I have nurtured throughout my career a multidisciplinary look for art direction, creative direction and design in the axes of music, entertainment, fashion, culture, cinema and communication. With more than 9 years of experience I have collaborated with major brands such as TikTok, O Boticário, Netflix, C&A and Nívea.